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Slugs and Snails

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Slugs and Snails - Citrus

Citrus Citrus


What type of insect is this?? And its cure???

Bunch of these insects on stem


Mohsin Khan Looks like Slugs and Snails, so you can review at plantix library by clicking on green link and compare.


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Hi Mohsin Khan Agreed with diagnosis by Sali sir It's Cornu aspersum also called brown garden snail. Go for application of iron phosphate baits. Thanks for using plantix community 🙂🙂


Hi Mohsin Khan yeah these are known as snails. Please click the below link to know all information about this pest. Slugs and Snails Quick Solution: 1: Go for the application of fipronil chemical available with Regent trade name in market. 2.No need to go for salt hot water (It will effect your plants)


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