Iron Deficiency - Citrus

Citrus Citrus


Lemon plant leaves turning yellow

Lemon plant leaves are turning yellow with green linings. Is it micronutrient deficiency or over dose of urea fertilizer.


Nutrient deficiency


Hi!! Thanks for visiting Plantix community! It looks Deficiência de Nitrogênio Please check the link to see description of the symptoms and control measures


Hi Dr Muhammad R as per your images newely emegered yellow leaves with green veins indicates micro nutrient deficiency like Iron Deficiency . But before giving any suggestion about your plant please share few detail about your plants (Plant History) >How many plants have such symtoms in your plot? >Have you done the application of any chemical or fertilizer? If yes please mention dosages. > What already you have done to resolve this issue ? >What is your watering plan? Please provide this information for your better guidance. we really love to help you in a efficient way😊


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