Does anyone know what this is on the stems of my house plant.
Growth on the stems of my plant and then kills the plant does anyone know what this is and how to solve the problem?
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Learn more about PlantixGrowth on the stems of my plant and then kills the plant does anyone know what this is and how to solve the problem?
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Need help to get rid of this insect notcher weevil an mybacid lime farm
The leaves are turning brown..
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Looks like redscale. A telltale sign would be ants trailing from the tree because these bugs eat the sap. Also there would be a clear sticky residue on the plant. Neem oil will kill those.
4 years ago
Thanks I will try neen oil. There are no visible ants.
4 years ago
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4 years ago
Also the plant needs to be healthier to defend itself, which could be the root cause, if you start to give it a lot more compost and organic fertilizer, may help