Can someone please suggest organic cure for this problem in my citrus plants?
There are zigzag lines on the leaves of the plant and leaves are curled and twisted.
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Learn more about PlantixThere are zigzag lines on the leaves of the plant and leaves are curled and twisted.
two key lime plants in pot .. one was soil drenced with SAAF and one with ridomil gold 2-3 days ago and today almost 70 percent leaves look like this
Most of the new growth and more recently grown leaves are spotty and yellow. I've applied compost, made sure there're no insects. I've made sure it's not over watered, yet the leaves are spotty and lighter shade of yellow. The plants is fruiting.
Please help. Whats the cause of this
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4 years ago
Sanjeet Bhalothia If we zoom in to pictures It's looking like ਨਿੰਬੂ ਜਾਤੀ ਦੀ ਜੂੰ Just the above green link and compare the symptoms with your plants at your end.
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4 years ago
Thanks for your response but it is different thing.
4 years ago
Neem oil mix with water in ratio of 5ml: 2 liters can prevent further damage. Neem oil is organic.
4 years ago
Thanks Ayok ji. I use neem oil on vegetables, now will use on this also.