These are leaves of my lemon tree can any one please tell me what is happening with the leaves. Lemons are coming premature.
The white spots and eaten up leaves.fruits coming up premature
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Learn more about PlantixThe white spots and eaten up leaves.fruits coming up premature
This are my plants problems: 1. Stunted growth of lemon plants 2. Borer in bark n stem of citrus plants 3. Yellowing leaves 4. Meally buds 5. Leaf miners/ cankers. 6. Black spot in barks n stems of citrus plants .
It been 2 months since i bought this plant and it's growth is negligible. Please help.
Few bugs with scales on body found on my citrus plant leaves and branch tips. Carefully cut and removed. But what are these and how to prevent them in future. Thanks
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4 years ago
Subhasish Poddar This is pretty sure Citrus Leaf Miner attack. Pls click on green link and compare for control measures.
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4 years ago
Subhasish Poddar Maybe it’s for Citrus Leaf Miner Please click the green link to see details information. Thanks.
4 years ago
Hi Zahirul No, this is not whitefly attack, this is a characteristic symptom of Citrus Leaf Miner in progress.
4 years ago
Yes, I agree with you Sali sir
4 years ago
Zahirul 😀😁😂 Thnx!
4 years ago
नीम का घोल बनाकर छिड़काव करें एकदम जैविक उपचार है ।