Dear Sir, What is the disease of the Kinnow Plant? Please suggest me the treatment for the same. Thanx.
Black Dots on the leaves also.
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Learn more about PlantixBlack Dots on the leaves also.
Branches have a problem its skin parts are falling every day
Akkulalo black colour ravali please suggestions give me solution
I have some show plants named crotone all of them are turning grey to dead lead leaves.
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Hi Harpreet Pal Singh. Compare symptoms with Anthracnose of Citrus , Magnesium Deficiency and Nitrogen Deficiency by clicking on green links for taking control measures from Plantix library. If any problems send some more clear and closer pictures with your proper query again please.
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4 years ago
Harpreet Pal Singh I agree with Suresh Gollar sir