Citrus Thrips - Citrus

Citrus Citrus


Leaf colour change and curling of lemon plant

The leaf colour of my lemon plant is developing yellowish patches and are curling. Premature leaf falling has also started. Observed small black colour fly like insects around the flowers as shown in picture. Attack of thrips is also observed. Advise is requested please.


Hi Zubair Ali Yousafzai Aphids Citrus Thrips Please go through the green color link so that u can get more details in Plantix library


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Hi Neetha M Gone through mentioned links. However failed to see any particular suggestions or name of any agent of chemical control e. g spray


HiZubair Ali Yousafzai, as per your images these small reddish brown insects are  known as aphids (sucking pest). These aphids suck cell juice from leaves resulting defoliation. These small curls in leaves are due to the attack of another sucking pest known as Citrus Thrips .These  black flies actually come for sweet leaf cell  sap. Go for the application of Imidachloprid chemical to get rid of them. To know all information about this leaf interchlorosis click the below link & compare . Citrus Variegated Chlorosis    


Shahzaib Kashan Thanks. Needful done as per your advice.


Zubair Ali Yousafzai you are always welcome 😊 we are glad to assist you 😊


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