Can you tell me about this disease which type of disease and what should we do for its betterment. It is in my home. It's an Jaman (Java plant) plant.
Red, black spots on leaves
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The leaves are folded, and the leaves colour is yellow.
MORE than one year plant in the soil. GROWING well. BUT no flowering and fruiting.please help me to know the reason.
Please identify problem, is it Mite? The crop is Citrus Mandarin
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Greasy Spot link below information ( treat now ) Muzammil Riaz
4 years ago
Great insight Raman Thapa 😊
4 years ago
Thanks 😊
4 years ago
HiMuzammil Riaz, as per your image it seems the attack of fungus Greasy Spot or also known as Kala pata in local language. Soultion: Go for the application of Nanok 25 SC (Azoxystrobin+flutriafol) 200 ml by Swat Agro or Evito 450 EC Fluoxastrobin 100 ml by Arysta. They are easily available in pakistan.
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4 years ago
Thanks to all
4 years ago
Muzammil Riaz you are welcome 😊