Some plants of citrus about 25% of my field are showing stunt growth while the other 75% are 3 times more in size in the same field. The color is light yellow .
Yellow leaves, stunt growth,
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixYellow leaves, stunt growth,
Plant shows yellowish colour in leaves
Some of the leaves are sowing yellow color
This disease stops my lemon growth slow please suggest something to cure this
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Hi it seems نقص النيتروجين, click on the green link to get more informations
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4 years ago
Hi Dr.Aadil Maan , I'm agree with the above suggestion of ،حذامي Hadhami. S . It seems due to nutrational deficiency.
4 years ago
Dr.Aadil Maan Can you give us a brief about fertilization practices that you are following for these trees?
4 years ago
Yes please share fertilizer information Try to apply 18:18:18 fertilizer 5 gram per liter water And one mixed micronutrient
4 years ago
I have supplied Phosphorus 50% 50 kg + Amonium Sulphate 50 kg for 200 plants age 2 yrs. Antifungal spray have been applied + Izabian 2 times I think there is a problem in roots
4 years ago
Dr.Aadil Maan Phosphorus fertilization is ok, but concerning nitrogen it is not ok as one dose. You need to add two doses during the rest of the season but do not do that if water is not given in proper amount. You have to make a basin arround the tree to hold enough water. Also you need to control pests, especially insects.
4 years ago
Amarelão dos Citros ou HLB Mal seco