What is this on citrus tree.
It just appeared. These are green in color and also few white are also there but very small in size .There are lot of small black color flies with tranparent wings. Please advise solution.
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Learn more about PlantixIt just appeared. These are green in color and also few white are also there but very small in size .There are lot of small black color flies with tranparent wings. Please advise solution.
This is lemon tree leaves, does anyone have an idea why the leaves gets curled like in the pictures? Thanks for your help
Some white thing grow into the branches
White spots and yellow discoloration of leaves Shedding of flowers
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Hi Prabh It might be Citrus Psyllid. Please check this link for more details and preventive measures.
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4 years ago
Hi. One possibility is Pulgão Verde dos Citros Please check the links to see description of the symptoms and control measures