Non uniform pulp of sweet lime fruits pls suggest solution .
Non uniform pulp of sweet lime fruits pls suggest solution .
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Learn more about PlantixNon uniform pulp of sweet lime fruits pls suggest solution .
My sweet lime tree is about 1 year old and by seeing the leaves those are not healthy. Some of the leaves are fading out to yellow color. Not sure which disease is this?
This is lemon tree leaves, does anyone have an idea why the leaves gets curled like in the pictures? Thanks for your help
Leaves eaten. Pesticides? Flowering & fruit.
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Hi Khatalvijay . I am not sure, but compare symptoms with Wind Damage on Citrus by clicking on green link for checking symptoms and taking control measures from Plantix library.
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