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Anthracnose of Lime

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Anthracnose of Lime - Citrus

Citrus Citrus


My lemon tree is 5 years old...Till date I bought I've not received a single lemon. Every time flower comes and shed also this type of structure comes on leaf.

Please tell what to do in this case My lemon tree is 5 years old...Till date I bought I've not received a single lemon. Every time flower comes and shed also this type of structure comes on leaf.


Hi!Thanks for visiting Plantix Community! It looks Larva minadora das folhas dos citros Please check the link to see description of the symptoms and control measures


Hi Kunal Sharma please click on this link انثراكنوز الليمون الاخضر


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Deficiência de Ferro Queimadura Solar Abiótica If you click on the green hyperlink that takes you to Plantix Library where everyone can find details on this problem and control measures. 😊😊😉


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