Nitrogen Deficiency - Citrus

Citrus Citrus


Lemon plant 🍋 leaf discolored

Leaf color of one of my potted lemon plant is turning brownish can someone please guide regarding it's neutrition deficiency


Hi Umer Solanki is this an upper leaf or lower leaf it might be Nitrogen Deficiency if it is a lower leaf


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It is from the top, and many leaf are in same color most of these discolored leaf are from top


Hi Umer Solanki it might be due to salt injury how you used water how you used fertilizer and how about the soil


Hi Umer Solanki, It is clear case of nutrational deficieny. Go for the application of NPK.


Thanks a lot shahzaib and tufail for such a wonderful input and Tufail Abbas I don't understand what salt injury is I have a ph meter and all my lemon plant soil is approx 5.5 ph I only water them when pot surface seems dry and some times a pore a bit of DAP into pot, can You guys suggest some supplements that have both NPK and some micro nutrients, that would be a great help, Thanks Shahzaib Kashan Tufail Abbas


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