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Citrus Canker

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Citrus Canker - Citrus

Citrus Citrus


What's the reason of this type of lemon?

Plant age is approx 3 years. Lemon fruits are good quality in starting phase of this year but after some time some fruits are very small in size and fruits surface is shown in photo and leaves are also yellowish, so please help me out of this? Thanks in advance 🙏


Cancro Cítrico If you click on the blue hyperlink that takes you to Plantix Library where everyone can find details on this problem and control measures. 😊😊😉


Dear Raghav Yadav It is citrus canker. Spray 3 gms copper oxy chloride in a litre of water.


Hi Raghav Yadav the symptom is bacteria calledCitrus Canker in some case copper oxychloride work in this but better to use bactericide like "serenade of bayer


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Dear Raghav Yadav , Tufail Abbas Yes bactericides can certainly be used. What Mr Tufail Abbas said is right . Even Streptocycline 0.5 gms per litre of water can be used.


Yes Shankara Goud M you are 100% right thanks for sharing your experience


Raghav Yadav soil application of copper Sulphate helps to reduce citrus canker damage by preventive method Shankara Goud M. If need more details on citrus cultivation contact 9944460780


Dear Nandhakumar R Soil application of copper sulphate may help as a Nutrient supplement. I am not sure how far soil application of copper sulphate helps in reducing incidence of citrus canker. Can you please explain more. Is it your own experience ?


Shankara Goud M yes it's my own experience only. There are lot of nutrient interactions is there with diseases. In lemon copper nutrient is most important one for defense mechanism against canker disease. Each and every micro nutrients deficiency connected with several diseases. If proper management of micronutrient in our plant reduces disease infection. If you are applying copper oxy chloride copper presents in this chemical act as nutrient. Disease occurred in any plants only due to the any nutrient deficiency. We all should know this slogan "DISEASE ARE NOT A FUNGICIDE DEFICIENCY" If you need more details contact 9944460780


Dear Nandhakumar R I appreciate your argument. Yes, I agree with you that proper Nutrient supply may also help in fighting diseases. Thank you for your enlightenment


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