Why there is a lemon crack n fall on the ground before harvest and what is this yellow eggs like in my lemon plant ?
1.cracking of lemon fruit and falls on the ground before full maturity of the fruit. 2. Insects eggs ( yellow spots) on the lemon plant. And mealybug problem. Please help.
5 years ago
Hi!! Thanks for visiting the plantix community!! A disorder where fruit surface cracks mainly due to heavy irrigation or rain after long dry spell.
5 years ago
This may occur due to varietal characters, soil management, inappropriate levels of water at maturity stage, light, temperature and micro-nutrient deficiency (calcium deficiency).
5 years ago
Hi Shonshok Keishing . It's Boron Deficiency . Click on green link for checking symptoms and taking control measures.
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5 years ago
Due to temperatures,lack of water and lack boron and calcium defiency
5 years ago
Hi Shonshok Keishing It's happened due to Wind Damage on Citrus click on the green link for more info and curing details Thanks for using plantix app
4 years ago
My Hybrid lemon plant fowers nicely and even during windy season the flowers dont fall but when the flower turns in to very small ĺemon it falls down even when there is no wind what is the remedy for stòping the fall