Leaves of orange plant are turning yellow. Is it a moisture stress? What should I do?
Plant is 1.5 year old.
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Oi, Boa tarde! Meu pé de limão está com as folhas assim... alguém pode me ajudar? Desde já agradeço
Suggest some control measurea bad chemicals
I plant a lichi it take very slow to grow and now the leave become dry day by day
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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5 years ago
Shahidaperveen488 Yeah this happen due to direct sunlight expoure or Sunburn. Place your plant in a shady area.
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5 years ago
Ok thank u
5 years ago
Shahidaperveen488 you are wellcome. 😊
5 years ago
Shahzaib Kashan Shahidaperveen488 Also increase irrigation frequency in very hot weather
5 years ago
Shahzaib Kashan thank u