It's 🍋 lemon plant and what can I use for it
What can I suggest guys
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Gum is released from from bottom of the tree
Citrus plant falls fruits in early unripened stage
I noticed some brownish spots on my kumquat tree. It is located in a small green house at the south side where it gets some hours of direct sunlight each day. Humidity is also quite high mostly 50-80%. Some other leafs also have similar symptoms but not as pronounced. Some young leafs seem to indicate not enough minerals as they are brighter green
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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5 years ago
Zia Kheshgi can you please share clear & focused images?
5 years ago
as per your image which is not clear , I guess it is the attack of Citrus Psyllid. please send clear image for confirmation .
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5 years ago
Do according to situation
5 years ago
Yes bro it's psyllid
5 years ago
What can I use for it?
5 years ago
In biological control lady bird beetle, and Temarixia radiata are the predators of psyllids. In case chemical control Chloropyrifos, Cypermethrine, Imidacloprid, Bifenthrine substentially reduces the population upto 70-80%. Zia Kheshgi