Found this on a leaf.
I am confused about this thing. Yellow one I think is pollinated stems of flowers and white is a different thing.
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Learn more about PlantixI am confused about this thing. Yellow one I think is pollinated stems of flowers and white is a different thing.
Citrus crop dont know what happend to him also there is a white powder like on the leaf's
I friends,Ishow you of a problem with the new leaves of my potted lemons. Can anyone tell me the reason and the solution. Thanks
Bought from nursery , had terrible root rot due to continue rain , then i transferred to 9 inch pot , little larger the size of root ball .. plant started to recover , and started new grpwth of leaves , then after 3 months transferred to 5 gallon buckedt when it started root boubd in 9 inch pot ,, now the plant is losing those new leaves along with new growth but pale yellow color leaves ,. THE SOIL IS WELL DRAINED , NOT TOO WET ,, ENOUGH MOIST FROM INSIDE , NO UNDEREATER AND WATERING BUT STILL HAVING THIS PROBLEM
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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5 years ago
Not sure but looks like Aphids attack
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5 years ago
Lamda ka spray karain