Citrus leaves became yellow and dropped on the ground.
Citrus leaves became yellow and dropped on the ground.
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Learn more about PlantixCitrus leaves became yellow and dropped on the ground.
I plant a lichi it take very slow to grow and now the leave become dry day by day
10 months citrus. The leaves are drying from the bottom to the top. And the top healthy leaves are curving
Most of lemons on tree are like this. I seek solution.
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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5 years ago
Hi! It looks like Deficiência de magnésio Please check the links to see description of the symptoms and control measures
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5 years ago
Usually in December and January citrus plants shed all the leaves. In March New leaves with flowers emerge Don't forget to ferrilize in February
5 years ago
l agree with makon
5 years ago
did u me tell makone in what ratio the fertilizers provide to the plants . thats means urea,potassium ,phospate
5 years ago
For fertilizer every seed and plant shop have fertilizer for fruit plants. Also use compost in addition
5 years ago
This is a kino plant in my porch in December full of fruit. It is grown in a 7inch strip with a very less place to ferrilize. I use fertilizer by diging 3inch pit and burning at least 250 grams of fertilizer on both sides of the stem.
5 years ago
Now my kino plant is full of flowers