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The crop is Citrus Mandarin.
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixThe crop is Citrus Mandarin.
1.cracking of lemon fruit and falls on the ground before full maturity of the fruit. 2. Insects eggs ( yellow spots) on the lemon plant. And mealybug problem. Please help.
Kagji Lemons and a few leaves are having these spots .. is it safe to consume the lemons
Due to this spot fruits is fall down
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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5 years ago
Hi Prashant , Welcome to Plantix Community. The symptoms are similar to Citrus Scab . More information for diagnosis and control measures you can review by click above the blue link. Thanks for your post
5 years ago
this seems as citrus scab for more information use plantix library.
5 years ago
Please upload a more clear picture taken from short distance. There might be also issues with Abiotic Sunburn problems. If you click on blue hyperlink that takes you to plantix library for more details on this issue. Thank you!
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5 years ago
Hi.. I think that's mite ( Phyllocoptruta oleivora) damage
5 years ago
Thanks sir i am uploading more pictures
5 years ago
Thanks sir
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
HiiiPrashant Takawale This seems to be an attack of Citrus rust mite Spray SPIRODICLOFEN Thanks for visiting Plantix Community
5 years ago
Hiii Juliane - Fitocon | ManejeBem you are very much right This is due to Citrus rust mite
5 years ago
It seems like that ManejeBem | Carol could be right ......this plant might be infested with citrus rust mite. Unfortunately this disease is not yet available in plantix library. So let me say something is short. The mite feeds on the outside exposed surface of fruit that is 0.5 inch (1.3 cm) or larger. Feeding destroys rind cells and the surface becomes silvery on lemons, rust brown on mature oranges, or black on green oranges. Rust mite damage is similar to broad mite damage, except that somewhat larger fruit are affected. Most rust mite damage occurs from late spring to late summer. Citrus rust mite tends to occur together with BROAD MITE but usually in greater numbers. Both species thrive in warm, humid conditions. Monitor rust mite from early spring through summer. On orange trees, look for rust mites on young foliage in early spring; by late spring, most of the population will be on fruit. On lemon, rust mites are mostly on fruit throughout the season. To identify previous infestations, check outside fruit for scarred rind tissue. To assess current season levels, examine small green fruit on the inside of the canopy. A 10X to 15X hand lens is necessary to identify these minute mites. They usually feed in protected places, such as the stylar end of the fruit. When mite numbers are high, the mites move over the entire fruit. No effective natural enemies are known, but general mite predators feed on rust mites at times. Once you find one or more infested fruit and if rust mites were a problem the previous year, watch the orchard closely. Threshold levels depend on last year's rust mite problems and current market conditions. If the mite numbers increase quickly or if scarring appears, a pesticide application is generally required. In some cases, the infestation is localized and a spot treatment may be sufficient for control. Recommendation by Sunil Sharma ji is right.
5 years ago
Hello, can you take please a photo for one fruit from a short distance.
5 years ago
5 years ago
This tree is drinking water abew ask ok
5 years ago
I can understand the problem, let me know the treatment. Otherwise it's a wonderful app.