Mediterranean Fruit Fly - Citrus

Citrus Citrus



My Citrus plants have been dropping their fruits before they are properly and fully ripe. Could someone please advise if it is disease infection and what to use or if it is nutrient deficiency and what is the remedy please. Thank You Idi Nigeria




what kind of agriculturel process do have done it seemed physiology case, it cause by deferential causes


it is not disease. it may occur due to water stress or nutrients stress like potassium. also apply planofix for reducing fruits.




Why don't you go for fruit thinning when ur plant is carrying a heavy load almost on the ground. By doing thinning you will improve fruit size and quality


Hello, it might be caused ceratitis capitata  the Mediterranean fruit fly, or medfly for short Mediterranean Fruit Fly  please click the blue link for getting more informations 


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Hello idi.mmukhtar, Fruit dropping in the ripening stage could be believed also for another important reason. Please note Fruit Sucking Moth can deter the matter. Two species of fruit sucking moths — Eudocima fullonia and Eudocima materna — cause enormous damage. Since the attack takes place at the time of ripening, heavy losses result. On an average, these moths damage 3 to 5 per cent of fruits every year. The moths are nocturnal and may be seen flying about in orchards after dusk, especially during rainy seasons. Suck the juice The moths pierce the ripening fruits and suck the juice, resulting in premature fruit fall, rotting and quality deterioration. Usually a circular spot appears at the site of feeding which gives a frothy jet of fermented juice which oozes out when squeezed. Fallen and decaying fruits in the orchard are powerful factors for attracting the pest from a long distance. Management Systematic destruction of the breeding sites such as wild weeds and creepers around the orchards helps to check the pest population. Under smallscale situations, the moths can be captured by hand nets daily after sunset. Dispose all fallen and decaying fruits which attract the moths. Create smoke by burning dry grasses and leaves which can repel and drive away the pest. Set up light traps and food lures (pieces of fruits) to attract adult moths. Bag the fruits with polythene bags (300 gauge) punctured at the bottom. Spray with carbaryl 50WP at 2gm/lit of water at the time of maturity of fruits. Use poison bait with the mixture of malathion 50EC and fermented molasses (at1ml/lit.) Baiting Kill the moths with a bait containing gur 1kg + vinegar 60g + malathion 50ml + water 10 litres. Wide mouthed bottles containing the bait solution should be tied to the trees at the rate of 1 bottle/10 trees when the fruits are in unripe conditions. Hope that it helps!!


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