Black Parlatoria Scale - Citrus

Citrus Citrus


I think this is Sweet lemon plant ( battayi). Since past few weeks, it's not at all growing. There are dotts on the leaves. Please suggest some remedies.

White dots on leaves and drying of leaves.


Hi there and welcome to teh community. It is probably some kind of scale, maybe Black Parlatoria Scale 


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Wlc to plantix, Scales are sap-sucking pests that feed on the leaves of various plants such as lemon trees. The white cotton like egg sac on its body can make the cottony cushion scale appear aswhite spots on the lemon tree. Once these eggs hatch, the juvenile scales congregate at the leaf veins and produce a cottony white secretion. Check out some safe spray like Pyrethrum or Neem oil H.remedy: Mix 5 tbs of dish soap with 4 cups of water in a bottle and spray plants with the solution & rinse with clean water after 8hr.Repeat the process until this problem is resolved. (Thanks for visit)


agree with waHab sir


deficiency in micronutrients


Hi bro even i to had this problem. Remedie for this is prob is very simple. Soak one scoop of boiled white rice in a closed container for 4 to 5 days by adding little water. Then spray the rice water evenly on the plant. It is due to poor immune for your plant. So give a high pottasioum manures


Hello M Radhe sham. Welcome again you to Plantix community. Your "Citrus Plant" is effected by Black Parlatoria Scale For more details and control measures, contact Plantrix library by clicking on blue hyper link given above. Thank you, visit again.


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