I don't know what infected the plan please check and provide solution.. Thank You...
I don't know what infected the plan please check and provide solution.. Thank You...
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Learn more about PlantixI don't know what infected the plan please check and provide solution.. Thank You...
My Citrus plants have been dropping their fruits before they are properly and fully ripe. Could someone please advise if it is disease infection and what to use or if it is nutrient deficiency and what is the remedy please. Thank You Idi Nigeria
Sticky white substance on branches of sweet lime
Not sure if the bug is bad for the plant. The web is starting to pull in the leaves inwards.
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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5 years ago
i think it may be caterpillar effected as well as leaf curl
5 years ago
i think you should spray some insecticide
5 years ago
Helo Nageshwar Prasanna. Welcome to Plantix community. Your "Plant" effected by Eggplant Leaf Roller For control measures and more knowledge visit "Plantix Library" by clicking on "Blue Hyper Link" given as above for your easy reference. Thank you. Visit again.
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