Lemon tree leaves curling up
This is lemon tree leaves, does anyone have an idea why the leaves gets curled like in the pictures? Thanks for your help
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Learn more about PlantixThis is lemon tree leaves, does anyone have an idea why the leaves gets curled like in the pictures? Thanks for your help
1.cracking of lemon fruit and falls on the ground before full maturity of the fruit. 2. Insects eggs ( yellow spots) on the lemon plant. And mealybug problem. Please help.
Mature fruits developing mold
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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5 years ago
نفس المشكلة ....
5 years ago
ouvrez les feuilles enroulées et vous pouvez trouvez à l'intérieur des pucérons ou les aphides.
5 years ago
spray Systemic Fungicide
5 years ago
plaese check beside leaf for insects.Spray Imidacloprid with Antracol and Wetting agent
5 years ago
it may be sucking pest attack pls apply chlorophiryphos or neem oil spray
5 years ago
am also facing same problem.. it's 5 years old plant
5 years ago
Hi Manju Gowda ,Welcome to plantix community. Your plant symptoms are similar to red spider mite insect pests. For control to spray on wettable sulphur 3g per liter of water. More information for diagnosis and control measures you can review plantix library at Citrus Red Mite . Thanks for your post
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5 years ago
upward curling occur due to thrips. management: a) spray carbaryl or mancozeb or chloropyriphos.