Fusarium Wilt - Chickpea & Gram

Chickpea & Gram Chickpea & Gram


Why these are dying. Before 4 days, 2 days of showers continuously whole day. I think for that this happened. We speed our seeds with powder before sowing.

Why this happened. What we need to spray.


Hi Kumar. I am not sure, but as per your explanation - this might be due to waterlogging effect - if so, open trenches in and around the field immediately to drain out excessive water from the field, which may save your crop, it seems. Also check symptoms with Fusarium Wilt by clicking on green link for taking control measures from Plantix library too.


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Hi Kumar It's look like collar rot. You can do spray at collar region of plant along with adjoining soul/ debris/ stubbles with Metalaxyl (1-2 gm per litre) or Vitavax (100mg/litre). Remove debris if any and avoid frequent irrigation as high moisture favours this disease.


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