This question is about:

Cabbage Moth

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Cabbage Moth - Cauliflower

Cauliflower Cauliflower


the head of cauliflower is pinkish and yellowish what could be the reason

The head of cauliflower is pinkish and yellowish what could be the reason , first flower, crop season summer and seeds are summer variety.


Hi Rathod Farms This is effected by Cabbage Moth disease.Control mesurs for pest management click above green hyper link.


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Spray boron and cover the curd with leaves to avoid exposure to sunlight.


عندك إصابة ب فراشة الملفوف انقر على الرابط لمزيد من المعلومات. . وأيضا الإصفرار واللون الوردي ناتي عن التعرض لأشعة الشمس .. لذا قم بتغطية رأس الثمرة بأوراق النبات نفسه ..


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