Can anyone help in identifying the problem with this dragon's tongue bean plant that was direct showed about 08/01/2020?
This young plant was planted in a raised bed in good quality soil. After the plant was producing multiple leaves, I gave it a very light side dressing of 10-10-10. It came up like a gangbusters and surprised this newbie gardener at how well it was doing. That is, until these brown patches appeared. It is a climbing variety which I have started on a trellis. This my first time with this particular bean plant and I am not certain on how to proceed. One note, we have had more than usual rain during the course of this young plants short life. I was trying to squeeze in a late crop that might bear before the frost. I live in zone 7B.
3 years ago
Hi Mike Zetts, This is a most common phenomenon if you apply a mixed fertilizer like 10-10-10 the plant grows rigorously. The sucking pests become abundant to take the advance because the plant saps remain plenty to attract such pest like Leafhoppers and Jassids. Although the sucking damage are small in size in initial stage that may coalesce and form a larger necrotic lesson as the leaves grow older. In my common sense on pest and diseases management or environmental disorder, it could be also associated with wind damages that you know better if such an occurance was in your case. We recommend to ck that as seen as in Wind Damage on Cucumber. As because the damaged older leaves shows nothing like any fungal infestation, it's wise not to worry about it and simply we can trim out it that gives a better look to this plant. I should recommend you to give most attention to Aphids infestation in bean cultivation during flowering stage because, if they build once a colony, you definitely get lost of the better fruit and yields. Other minor damage can occur by Bean Rust or Bean Yellow Mosaic Virus, pls ck in Plantix library by clicking on green links and know management practices. Hope that this little common science helps you!😊
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3 years ago
Thank you so much. I think you nailed it. by backyard, where the garden is located, backs up directly to the fairway of a golf course. Recently, we've had numerous storms that brought high winds roaring down the fairway. Also, I will try to resist, what I feel must be a common newbie mistake, the urge to apply fertilizer. Thank you.
3 years ago
Dear Mike Zetts, Thanks for the great efforts! Pls remain connected with us because we give not only the services on pest and diseases, we have another hub where you get appropriate agronomic practices for betterment of your crops. This is also known as "Crop Advisory ". I personally appreciate those efforts to cultivate crops by polyhouse or greenhouse house controlled environment, in hydroponic methods to apply all mordern technology and innovations. Many US growers do capsicum, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber, cannabis etc by hydroponic adoption indoor. Pls try to switch in a small scale as start-up! Hope that it makes a good sense for spending times with lovely plants😂
3 years ago
Thank you for the advice. I will make efforts towards that goal.
3 years ago
Hi Mike Zetts . Nice to see right way discussions. Follow great timely instructions of Sali ji. And we happy to assist you Mike Zetts.