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Slugs and Snails

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Slugs and Snails - Bean

Bean Bean


Can anyone suggest remidy for this pest?

This pest is damaging the tip of the plant


Hi Sanjaykumar Naganoor Slugs and Snails Click on the green link to get more informations and control measures on the plantix libary.


Sanjaykumar Naganoor Slugs and Snails For controlling Snails following are the measures 1. Low cost method: Take 5 kg Boiled & than roasted Paddy we call it MurMura. Add some Jaggery solution along with Methomyl (Lannate) & broadcast in the field. Due to Jaggery Snails get attracted towards this treated food & you will get control within 24 hours. Medium Cost: Broadcast 50 kg Tobacco in the field. Even a gentle touch of mouth to tobacco leaves can cause burning. Generally avoid this method during rains or cloudy environment. Expensive Method: Use 1 kg Pallets of Snailkill. This is very effective and you will get control within 4 hours. Note: Generally Snail population will be maximum on borders, so try to use above measures both in land and along borders also.


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Sanjaykumar Naganoor I agree with Venkat Pawar. and Majoko


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