What is the issue and what can be the solution??
15 days old crop of Cowpeas
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Plants are eated by invisible
No bugs on leaf but leafs seems to be like eaten by something
I've started searching about this problem, the yellowing of leaves started and even before that baby seedlings have burnt Leaves and most of them were dead. What is lacking in the soil, is it potassium or magnesium or iron deficiency. Help me decide it
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Amjad Gorsi Looks like Alterneria leaf spot. Spray Difenconezole or Tabuconezole + trifloxystrobin
4 years ago
It may also be salt stress?? is it so??
4 years ago
Thiophanate Methyl will be effective if it is fungal attack??
4 years ago
Amjad Gorsi Yes possibility is there. Check Fertilizer Burn for further details.
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4 years ago
Hi Amjad Gorsi , Can you please share few more detail about your plants ? How many plants have such symtomps ? Have you done the application of any toxic chemical? if yes please share the name and dosage. For your better guidance, please provide this detail 😊
4 years ago
Amjad Gorsi yes