Hi. I just started some bean seedlings. They are about 10 days old. Noticed this yesterday. What is the problem? How do I solve it?
There are white striations on the leaves and edges of the leaf are curling and look burned. I have used 5 ml of 1500 ppm Neem oil in 1 liter water spray on the leaves and soil drenching at the time of seed sowing. A second spray was done 3 days ago on the leaves
5 years ago
Update - Noticed these white flies on the leaves. Could these be the problem? What are they? How to manage them?
5 years ago
Underside of the leaves
5 years ago
Hi Tejas Melkote . Your Bean crop is effected by Whiteflies and Leaf Miner Flies . Click on green link for control measures. Thanks for visiting.
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