Which Insect is this?
(More pics attached showing leaf dammage which may/may not be related.) Edamame Plant... what type of insect is this? I've found them on several leaves, front & back. Super tiny bugs with thin black & white horizontal striping. Haven't noticed them flying but they do seem to jump! Are they damaging the plants? If so, how can I get rid of them?
6 years ago
Hi, about the insect i couldn't see it properly into ur leaves unfortunately was not quiet clear. can u add more clear photos. but what happened to your leaves is Noctuelle de la Tomate or Altise check the two links to see whose affects your plant
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6 years ago
Thanks! Yes, I'm sorry, that is at close as I could get in order to see the bug at all... however at such a close distance, the photo isn't as clear. They're THAT small!
6 years ago
Hello Heather, This picture seems like Spider Mites attack that sucks plants sap by creating numerous dots on the leaves. For details on how to control this creature, please click on the blue hyperlink that takes you to Plantix Library where everyone can find it's control measures and preventive. Thank you for your interests in Plantix Community!
6 years ago
Thank you, Sali!! That's it!
6 years ago
Thank you Heather for your great efforts!