Why the young leaves not emerging and the emerged young leaves become necrotic at tips
The young leaves shows chlorotic symptom ,the tip becoming necrotic curling inward and the young leaves are not emerging
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Learn more about PlantixThe young leaves shows chlorotic symptom ,the tip becoming necrotic curling inward and the young leaves are not emerging
That Indicated Snell type insect is damaging Banana Crop. It is in the ground from where it is damaging. Whole Banana plant is bending down.
Rusty appearance on hands of banana and some hands are started cracking
Leaf with white stripes venation.
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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3 years ago
Hi Lakshmikanth . Your sent image is not clear and dull due to night time picture. Though on zooming, your 3rd pictures showing symptoms of Bunchy Top Virus effect. This disease transmits through vectors like Aphids . So, control vectors to control this disease. Lets check symptoms by clicking on green links for taking control measures from Plantix library
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3 years ago
But sr I have seen the symptoms of bunchy top virus there is not symptoms found matching to that . The probelm is young emerging leveas becoming necrotic at tips and curling in wards The other symptom is marginal chlorosis Suresh Gollar