Bacterial Soft Rot of Banana - Banana

Banana Banana


I have found this problem same in my field.we can use following methods.1) use irrigation 15 day once 2) remove all effect banana completely from your field 3) use following chemical colorie 500,be mine 1 kg, Blue copper 1 kg.use this monthly once.we can control 90 percent.

I have found this problem same in my field.we can use following methods.1) use irrigation 15 day once 2) remove all effect banana completely from your field 3) use following chemical colorie 500,be mine 1 kg, Blue copper 1 kg.use this monthly once.we can control 90 percent.


Hi Srimugan. As you know and discussed in other post, its Bacterial Soft Rot of Banana and really don't have specific recommended chemicals to control this disease, as per our Plantixlibrary too. If you really used chemicals and got results, you are really welcome and requested to elaborate your experience here on this platform, if possible with pictures please.


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Yes sir, definitely


Hi Srimugan. If so, please give details, if possible with pictures please.


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