New leaves have dried/molted top and old leaves are wilting. (All other 'potential' infected leaves are cut before clicking picture)
Firstly thanks Mr. Sunil Gollar for assisting it as overwatering. It helped me decide to change the potting soil. Now, i am going to order some pesticide and insecticide, because i was using only neem oil and isopropyl alcohol mix (not finding good result). So if this is an infestation plz tell, i dont have much knowledge. Any help will be appreciated, i have aphid problems in all over my rooftop garden. Plz note: i have a 100litre red wiggler worm bin also, that too near my garden, if any pesticide/incesticide remain on crop/atmosphere effects/kills the population of my worms, also inform me about that. I am ordering:- 1. Thiamethoxam 25% wg, 500gm 2. Silicone surfactant, 1 litre The plant in picture is showing very good growth of the main plant new leaf after application 3-4days of diluted vermicompost tea. (First time using vermicompost in garden, actual vermicompost will still take 3-4more weeks to finish)
3 years ago
Dear Prince Lobiyal, I appreciate your great efforts and patience! Vermicompost is excellent for Banana plant, but I should recommend you to grow only on plant or banana sucker in a pot. Multiple tillers of sugarcane can be grown in a pot, but for banana, pls grow only one plant in a 100 lit pot having at least 3 feet diameter and 3 feet depth. Otherwise, many diseases or disorders are subject to be recurrent issues. Enjoy pls my sugarcane plants in pot cultivation. I'm not agreeable with you to use Thiamethoxam in banana for this disease, rather choose a fungicide like Tebuconazole or Propiconazole for prevention of Black Leaf Spot of Banana disease. Pls ask me your confusions, if any😁 Best of luck!!
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