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Aphids - Banana

Banana Banana


Hello community sorry my english is not very good but I hope someone can help me with my banana plant. Please look at the pictures I'm happy for every message. I can try to translate it, but the most important is the Diagnose of you :)

The leaves which are older getting Brown powder (eggs?) , Special on the upper side and I see little small white/ beige animals, long time ago my banana plants inside of the apartment had spider mites but i think these are not such. It is a banana plant which should be conditionally winter proof. I would also like to know from you whether I can put it in this size (from 80cm trunk minus the pot that is about 15 cm high. I had to cut off three leaves now it has 2 about 67 cm long) outside ( In the garden in the flower bed(?) ) this autumn and whether you then have to cut them off and cover them or whether it is safer if I try to overwinter them in a pot on the balcony for another year. in an emergency, I would take them in if the temperatures were too clearly in the minus range. my balcony is very sheltered in the corner and always a few degrees warmer than 'outside' , I could also cover it there, if necessary, I would also like to know if I have to cut it short.


Hi Sandy I think it's due to Aphids. Please check this link for more details and preventive measures.


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Hi, thank you very much, I had already suspected that, but I have the feeling that it could also be something else, several herbs that are nearby have strong powdery mildew infestation, do you know whether bananas can get that too? I have an insecticide which you mix with water and which is also against lice to spray on the leaves, against powdery mildew I had sprayed with milk for a while, that helped for a short time but unfortunately kept coming back. I am thinking of spraying the banana with milk and alternating with the insecticide against lice, do you have experience with biological agents against lice? a flower that is pretty close also had lice two months ago but they were black ... I actually wanted to fertilize the banana again before winter, does that make lice even more or could it strengthen the plant?


Sandy You can use Neem oil and garlic mixture in soap water repeated application might be required.


Thank you so much! I added to my question from the beginning a second- because of the overwintering, can you maybe tell me something about that too?


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