Banana leaves are falling
Leaves are falling solution please
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The leaf of banana plant which I planted is having a shrinking look and I feel something is wrong with the leaf. Please help me to solve this shrinking problem. Thank you.
These Banana Plantation Is 4 Months Old . Suddenly this problem is arriving. Roots are Breaking From Surface.
Plants are dieing it's 2 month old crop (red banana)
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4 years ago
Ravivarma মনে হয় আপনার কলা গাছে পটাশিয়ামের অভাবজনিত লক্ষণ দেখা দিয়েছে। সবুজ লিংক এ ক্লিক করে তুলনা করতে পারে ন।
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4 years ago
I have white photash and 13:0:45 and photosium sheonite which is best sir
4 years ago
Deficiência de Fósforo Deficiência de Potássio Ravivarma