G9 tissue culture pkant's leaves getting burn
Soon after plantation we are observing leaves getting burns in more than 50% plants, which are plants just 4 days ago, please suggest what is the issue and suggest on the remedy
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Learn more about PlantixSoon after plantation we are observing leaves getting burns in more than 50% plants, which are plants just 4 days ago, please suggest what is the issue and suggest on the remedy
Why the outer leaf sheaths of Banana is peeled off very early ? The banana plant is of 8 months growth. Out of 12000 plans 60 or 70 plants are seen affected. There is no holes or bore on the shoot. Please provide your answers...
It Came Through Air One Year Back. Firstly It Affected The Coconut Trees Later It Was Spread To Banana Trees. For Example, If We Rake An Affected Tree Leaves The Upper Part Of The Leaf Is Completely Black Smoke Like Presipitate And The Lower Part Of The Leaf Has This White Coloured Mosquitos Colony's. Ultemately Our Coconut And Babana Crops Left Us At Loss. Harticulture Daparment Has No Idea And Control Methods. Kindly Help Us and Help Farmer.
Banana fruits black dots
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Hi Santosh Ainapur. As per your explanation, its yet under settling stage to new environment. Don't do overwatering. Some time it happens due to heavy rains too. Because of rainy season, rains might come at any time. Hence, open trenches in the field to drain out excessive water from the field. Lets check once for Powdery Mildew by clicking on green link for checking symptoms and taking control measures too.
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