I don't know why it is getting like that and can you suggest the remedy for it .....it would be highly appreciated..
Banana Stam are getting yellow
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixBanana Stam are getting yellow
The leaves curl inwards then dry up from initial brown spots on that later enlarge
Control Measures- - CMV संक्रमण झालेली रोप काढून नष्ट करणे (जाळणे किंवा जमिनीत गाडणे) - किटक (Aphids, sucking pest) यांचे त्वरित नियंत्रण करणे. (7-8 दिवसाच्या अंतराने त्यात Imida-Acephate आणि निम अर्क वापरू शकतो ) - बांध साफ ठेवणे (तण नष्ट करणे) - केळी शेजारी *कापूस पीक* असेल फवारणी योग्य करणे व त्यात Traps लावणे) ( CMV प्रसार वेगाने होतो तरी लवकरात लवकर Vector कंट्रोल करणे आणि संक्रमित रोप काढणे हाच यावर उपाय आहे )
Leafs are yellowing b7nches are not growing properly
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Tenzin Ngasang This is insect attack. Root Borer Please remove the weeds(Grass) around the plant and uproot the soil and then spray any insecticide of 1B (Organophosates) Group of desired quantity.
4 years ago
Uprooting should be must because insects sometimes lays eggs in soil and are killed if exposed to sunlight.
4 years ago
Hi Tenzin Ngasang. Lets check for Bacterial Soft Rot of Banana by clicking on green link for knowing symptoms and taking control measures from Plantix library.
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4 years ago
Nearby pulivendula peoples only call me 7032641294 sir
4 years ago
Hi Jaya Krishna. ??
4 years ago
May be root is effected pls check it .apply metalaxyl and mancozeb 3 grams per liter. Per plant drench 1 liter water
4 years ago
What is the cure for this disease?