Calcium Deficiency - Banana

Banana Banana


Please help in identify the decease here . its about 5 months old plant

About 5 months old , sourced from certified G9 provider. Had about 2 week water stress but now sufficient


Hi Gururaj Joshi , banana symptoms seems to be affected by fusarium . More information for diagnosis and control measures review at Panama Disease . Thank you


Hi Gururaj Joshi . As tissue culture plants are very good in yield, but very sensitive too. As per your explanation, I think, It's looks like Water Deficiency and sevear water stress leaded this effect. Now don't apply any hard dosage of chemicals. your plant is showing Calcium Deficiency . So, click on green link for checking symptoms and taking control measures. Try to give irrigation during evening hours due to summer heat. Do mulching with decomposed materials around the plant root zone to develop microclimate in soil and for early root and plant recovery. After little recovery, immediately start your fertigation schedule as normal as it is.


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