What is the disease symtoms in Banana
end seems dry and pale colour
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-One Banana from each was rotten like this. -But it's not cigar end rot, according to me. -70%-80% plants have this issue. -It's have bad smell. Need proper identification & control for this.
What are these spots???
Leave turning yellow.i see this for almost 3 weeks.
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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5 years ago
Hi! It looks like cigar-end disease in which Verticillium theobromae is the sole associated fungus
5 years ago
A black necrosis spread from the perianth into the tip of immature fingers. The rotted portion of the banana finger is dry and tends to adhere to fruits (appears similar to the ash of a cigar).
5 years ago
Cigar End Rot
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