What us the symptom in these fruits
Seen in fruits only but not in the leaves.it is in initial stage of my crop.
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixSeen in fruits only but not in the leaves.it is in initial stage of my crop.
As each flower petal opens, the bananas drop on the ground ! The plants look healthy otherwise. This is a serious concern as after about 40 days, I have banana bunches with no bananas on the stem !only flower petals unfolding unfruitfully . Please help me identify the problem.
Dark stem in my banna
Leaf has burning like signs
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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5 years ago
It might be associated with Anthracnose of Banana for more information click here.Thanks for visiting plantix community.
5 years ago
It's Anthracnose of Banana , click on link for control measures. Thank you visit again.
5 years ago
Hisreelekhareddy04 রোগের নামঃ কলায় দাগ সৃষ্টিকারী বিটল আরও তথ্যের জন্য লিঙ্কটিতে ক্লিক করুন। Plantix নির্বাচন করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ।
5 years ago
Banana Fruit-Scarring Beetle we can look forward if there is a 2nd option like it, thank you!
5 years ago
Another option that bunches of banana may be damaged by formic acid injury due to secretion by Anoplolepis gracilipes Ants.
5 years ago
banana fruit scarring beetle.
5 years ago
i am agree with Sali sir this is Banana Fruit-Scarring Beetle mostly occure in high rainy season and specially it feeds on young leaves and skin of young fruit the infested fruit get spotted the biological control is not a better reliable to remove grass and weeds from plantation however any good insecticide like propinophos, dimethoate, deltamethrine etc you can spray thanks for visiting plantix..
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5 years ago
thank you so much honor and great sir Sali and sir rob for upvote
4 years ago
Ants bite or anthrocnoze