What's wrong with this plant
Leaf has burning like signs
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The leaves change its colour
Kindly tell the reason .
Yellow stripes and curling of new leaves of banana plants
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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5 years ago
It seems like pesticide burn, can you please give information about which are the chemicals you sprayed earlier and in what dosage you used them? For further information refer Pesticide Burn
5 years ago
this problem is occurs with pesticides and also ph value of land so if u want clear explanation contact me 9493467614
5 years ago
8 days ago I had taken spray of imidachloprid 17.8% 10ml for 15 lit + acetamipride 10gm for 15lit. 8
5 years ago
and also red sticky liquid is coming out of that burned part
5 years ago
Acetamoprid should be sprayed at 6g per 15 litre and Imidachloprid at 7.5ml per 15 litres. And also there was no need of spraying by mixing both chemicals, because they belong to same group. So it is due to pesticide overdose only.
5 years ago
Hello Rahul Jadhav. Welcome to Plantix community. Your "Banana Plants" effected by Pesticide Burn For control measures and more knowledge visit "Plantix Library" by clicking on "Blue Hyper Link" given as above for your easy reference. Thank you. Visit again.
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5 years ago
it's over water
5 years ago