What can i do with this disease? do you think it can be cured?
Little worms in the apricot; peach trees
Learn more about this insect and how to defend your crops!
Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixLittle worms in the apricot; peach trees
What is the problem and treatment odf the said desease
Dear community, We have this apricot in the garden every year suffer from this holes and dark areas in it also hardly you can separate it's seeds from it. Please tell me detailed treatment Sincerely thanks for your support
Small holes in the leaves and color is also yellow what is the problem and its treatment
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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5 years ago
Welcome to the Plantix community This seems to be an attack ofPeach Twig Borer refer this blue Link to know more information about its control measures. Thanks for visiting Plantix community
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5 years ago
Wlc to plantix, Hi! 1).Use products containing chlorpyrifos, lindane or endusulfan to kill tree borers.Spray the entire trunk and branches of the infested tree. Though the insecticides cannot reach the larvae & adult but they will kill beneath the bark. 2).Apply fumigant products to repel the borer adults that can lay eggs on the tree. The fumigants will kill any larvae that they reach.Fumigants products containing ethylene dichloride and paradichlorobenzene. 3).Inject chemicals like dicrotophos, oxydemeton-methyl or acephate directly into the cambial tissues of the tree where the insects commonly feed. This process is highly effective at getting rid of the pests. Repeat spray applications on infested trees after 5 to 10 weeks. "Thanks"
5 years ago
many thanks
5 years ago
I agree with waHab sir. along with above mentioned management remeve infected plant parts and use blitox solution.
5 years ago
Thanks Smita Kumari