Can anyone identify the above disease in apple plant?
Small circular lesions are being formed which later spreads to the whole leaf causing defoliation and ultimately the branch dries.
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Learn more about PlantixSmall circular lesions are being formed which later spreads to the whole leaf causing defoliation and ultimately the branch dries.
What is this? All of my high density fugi apples are suffering like this? Due to this problem they are making the others apple also suffer like this? And eventually they are falling from the tree before their harvest date. Please this is a great concern for me. I woukd be highly obliged if you solve my prjkwm problem. PLEASE
Leaves are effected and have some brown spots and leaves are becoming more harder and shrinking.
When scraping away dead wood on my apple tree I began to dig into soft moist wood until I ended up creating a hole in the main trunk. What caused this and how can I repair the damage?
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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3 years ago
Hi Satyabrata Basantia It could be due to Tobacco Caterpillar Please check this link for more details and preventive measures.
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3 years ago
Satyabrata Basantia