Any idea about this disease in apple leaves and its prevention
Small pores in leaves have developed and leaves are turning yellowish brown in pre harvest any idea what ot is and its prevention
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Learn more about PlantixSmall pores in leaves have developed and leaves are turning yellowish brown in pre harvest any idea what ot is and its prevention
I feel there is many black pin spot on apple fruit. I don't know what to do.plz help me. my contect no is 8353000002
Regarding apple disease
Multiple black spots on all leaves. Is this a fungal problem?
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Munish Thouta Looks like Fire Blight disease in Apple. Any better insight?
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4 years ago
Hi Munish Thouta can you please add a photo more closer to the leaves