Cracks in my apple plants . Outer skin of tree crack like inner surface want to coke out 😛
Apple tree cracks in outer skin
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Premature leaffall some big and small brown spots occur in the leaf and few leafes are turned yellow
Red coloured spots appearing on leaves, if this is a disease what is the possible cure?
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Devender Thakur Seems like Fruit Tree Bark Beetle attack. Any better insight?
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4 years ago
Its not a prblm man...Its Body growth of Plant means its enlarging its size
4 years ago
Sali there is nothing inside
4 years ago
So, it might be growth crack and it occurs when there’s heavy shower after a prolonged draught. In case of tomato it looks like Growth Cracks in Tomato, pls compare the reasons.