What the hellis dis any one pealse sugest me
I define it i think is calcium deficiency . Any one please suggest me. Please
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Learn more about PlantixI define it i think is calcium deficiency . Any one please suggest me. Please
Apple plant are roughly at the branch and the tree will be dry
Before 20 days at Green tip stage we spray tata Captan in our apple trees now i think the leaves are not developed fully they are little in size and curly what may be the problem
Browned leaves and spiders web like infestation
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Sooty Mold definitely ....... Not a deficiency disease coz others parts of tree are looking healthy Ricky Jhobta
4 years ago
See if some bushy trees are growing beside this tree .... if weeds are there then remove and remember clean ur field after fruit harvesting
4 years ago
Tripes If you click on the green hyperlink that takes you to Plantix Library where everyone can find details on this problem and control measures. 🤠🌱
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4 years ago
Shamim Ahmad Bhat apply fungicide and u must show the affected plant for the same
4 years ago
This is definitely due to nutrient imbalance especially of N ,B and Ca Due to excess rains. Due to excess rains N uptake is increased, B is decreased due to which Ca deficit occurs on apple fruit.Remember Ca deficit signs are totally different incase of drought.
4 years ago
Dear Rez Wann this is a fungal attack ..... If it would have been nutrient deficiency then leaves should have some kinda symptoms for the same.... in order to reach any disease at least three symptoms must be identified .......
4 years ago
Short term Ca deficiency and that too due to excess rains is mostly seen on fruits rather than leaves. i am sure of it being ca deficiency.This is not any fungal problem Rumaisa Sahiba