Fruit skin disease problem and its diagnose
What is the problem in apple Fruits like rusting but we use the same fertiliser and same spray schedule as my neighbors and adjoining but there us no such problem plz tell us what is this and why
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Learn more about PlantixWhat is the problem in apple Fruits like rusting but we use the same fertiliser and same spray schedule as my neighbors and adjoining but there us no such problem plz tell us what is this and why
These pores are present on the stem of apple tree
curved leaves ,dark green spots and fragile in touch
Other foliage and stem is good. Only some leaves tree is in 2nd year
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Hi Virender Jokta . It seems to be like Thrips . Click on green link for checking symptoms and taking control measures from Plantix library.
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4 years ago
Suresh Gollar APPLE SCAB .... initial stage ... Apple Scab
4 years ago
Hi Sahiba. Yes it's Apple Scab , click on green link for checking symptoms and taking control measures from Plantix library. Let check it's not initial stage.
4 years ago
Suresh Gollar it's initial stage for the ones which she is holding in her hand .....
4 years ago
Sir Suresh Gollar Virender Jokta this guy is going to see full symptoms after one or two weeks ...
4 years ago
Hi Sahiba . That pictures belongs to Virender Jokta. Don't confuse, you enclose this 2nd picture, for which I quoted as it's not initial stage. Is it not belongs to yours?
4 years ago
I tagged your name wrongly ..... and my pictures are not at initial stage i meant to say that his fruit is at initial stage and it will lead to symptoms shown in my picture that isit...... I think now there is no confusion ..
4 years ago
Ok, thank you Sahiba.
4 years ago
Suresh Gollar u r wlcm sir