What is the cause of this and what can be done to repair the damage?
When scraping away dead wood on my apple tree I began to dig into soft moist wood until I ended up creating a hole in the main trunk. What caused this and how can I repair the damage?
4 years ago
Hi Gerard Stewart . I think it's Botryosphaeria Dieback . Lets compare symptoms by clicking on green link from Plantix library. As per sent image, plant almost reached to dead stage. Better to go for new planting again.
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3 years ago
Looks like a bit of dieback from where a large limb was cut out. There is healthy healed cambium around the top of the old cut but the lower part never healed and moisture has got in an started a moist rot area. You can use a chainsaw to cut back to clean green wood and paint wound with a prunning paste like Greenseal, Garrison or Bacseal super. These have fungicides in them and also create a good weather seal on the wound while it heals over.