I want to control this. How. Give me a reason for this
Black dots on my 🍎 apples
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Learn more about PlantixBlack dots on my 🍎 apples
Pin scab / I already sprayed ( calcium chloride +boran after that sulphur+ tubecanazole after that Cuman L) but unfortunately it comes again
The colour of the leaves of apple tree start becoming red in colour and drying
The Apple leaves are showing these brown spots and get curled.
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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5 years ago
User Not sure but it could be something like Anthracnose of Apple.
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5 years ago
I would cut the apple open through those black dots through the center. If a little tunnel goes to the center with maybe a grub and a bunch of gross stuff in the middle then it is Codling moth. You would need to use pheremone traps earlier in the spring and when you trap the moth spray your tree with pyrethrin or spinosad. If the black dots just have a little bit of brown/black flesh very close to the surface with nothing else noticable the it is likely Bitter Pit, which is a symptom of calcium deficiency in your apple. Apply lime (raises pH and adds calcium) or gypsum (doesn't change pH and adds calcium) to your soil yearly if possible. This won't effect your apples this year, but will ensure you have better apples in the future and is the cheaper way of fixing this problem. You can also spray a liquid calcium supplement directly on the leaves of the tree and will help your apples almost immediately. I strongly disbelieve that this is anthracnose.
5 years ago
Sooty blotchy?
5 years ago
Jarid Kroes Thanks for the great efforts😊 Okay, let us ck here Codling Moth and compare by clicking on the green hyperlink. Pls have a look on plantix community for my post as Codling moth.